

Monday 20 January 2014

On - How Come Many People Keep Falling For the Stock Market Trick?

How come many people are still, after all the demosntrated market crash and all, surely they had seen something that'd waken them up by now - but most remains in the asleep.

I suppose the reasons for that in short is because they in their life had never actually faced any challenges, oppositions, problems, harassment by the looters, or spews thrown at them by spitters and all.  Anyone who had gone through life experiences or witnessed close hand - even once - the person surely would not be still in sleep mode, stuck in the Utopian lahlah land, presuming everything must be just so pure and beautiful and can't be wrong or vile. Well, guess what, the stock market entirety (namely NASDAQ and Dow Jones, those are its names) are a trick designed by the large international financier mafia to scam everybody else's money away basically pretty much.  One can say I am wrong on this, but that's likely it's someone not willing to admit their inferior in intel or a person getting paid disproportion to their reasonable amount by one of those trillion dollar financier groups.

It's not just the semi-inliterates, for the lack of a better term, falling for the stock market trick, but actually larger percentage of intellectuals, the ones that were congradulated at graduation ceremony (a tribalistic sarcasm mockey "party", if can even called party, doens't have any festitivity involved, yeah) (#goodpoint). Many of them, due to their intelligence, intellectual thinking, and illusion that they have the skill and knowledge - dumps their money onto a stock, and bam, 3/9 of them lose big time within 3 years, and a few gets really lucky - those really lucky ones will come back and then meet their eventual big loss.  I cannot seriously blame them for falling to the trick - after all, what ordinary man unlike me has suffered this much harassment, death threats, kill order and such (in my life's total, I had been seriously threatened (given threats) at least 20 times. It's entirely as if, yeah I get this one good, excellent metaphor so to speak, they use me as themselves - when they hate themselves, they hate on me too - as if to do some other sorta task, getting it completed - perhaps to make sure themselves remember that they are frustrated with everything, and from attacked me in such a hostile manner - they surely would remember and never forget.  On social media alone, I had been viciously spat on, in ways worse than all the real murders or warmongres has combined almost - I had received letters that are 4 paragraphs long in dissing/contempt or whatever harassment in my life so far - ain't that funny - I have never seen 4 paragraph diss placed on any of the Israel prime ministers - whom are surely sworn enemies of Palestain extremenists groups and many other thousands of "terrorist" organizations, right?  Anywho, basically anyone who has been exposed to, been attacked that numerous times surely would not be in the thinking and preception of the things that would later be causing them to fall for the stock market scam - 'cause the person has already seen the other portion of reality (experienced more, thus), and also knows clearly that something must be severely wrong - all things thus cannot be trusted imprints into them pretty well.

Anywho, by this time of writing, I think this is a good timing to assert some good guides, so to speak, for life, here they are: (quite related to this post)

  • The world is not a lahlah land - assume nobody cares about you
  • Life is vibrant and very diverse - there will always be the possibility of a weird freak or some deform or vile or dismoral or low virtue, be prepared
  • Force is Life, Gravity brings Momentum, and Forces Interact, and Focus on Force - that's the key/central part of life. Force others, force self, enforce upon, and send out forces
  • There is no such thing as offensive - all defensive creatures are to eventually offend - thus, offensive is defensive, and defensive is offensive .. .. ...
  • Strengthen one self - never let loose - a bird must land eventually - do not fly high - do not mix up means to an end with the end itself - think long term - and use pain to define one's happiness - that's the true way of getting strength - the result is - sturdy, unstoppable will and greatness and strong self - like building steel - one must do seemingly boring things (like incoporating carbon), and strike on self with difficulties many times - after the process completed - a strong material much higher class than the previous old version of self~  HEIL MY GANG MEMBERS!

imprint and memorize the above, let it sink into your soul, and success will come to you. Yes, indeed ~

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