

Thursday, 2 January 2014

A Few Words on Good Important Worthy Issues

The presumptions and automatic false generalization and labellings happen often here, because this area, our living space (especially the ones directioned to "the public") is largely under famine.  A different kind of famine of food - it's this semi-transparent and invisible fairly odorless traceless smoke - a floating disease cloud of some sort - around everywhere we walk, in the cities, in this country.  The injectionists, which are not pressing on ever than before, in rapid numbers and increasing too, has not stopped a single minute spraying falsehood and propagating the false generalization and automatic-labelling habit onto nearbys (this region of space called "public area").

Truly, what could be more public than a cess pit falsehood nonsense area shared with the mass injectionists whom had never contributed, but only leeched; never worked, but only plotted; never thinked or learned, but only trashed and spat.  A sufficient punishment would be logic sound for sending dealings to such trash filth known as the injectionists.  Surely, the amount of suffering and repayment they must be toiled over should be proportional to their total net damage to the society, environment, our people, civilizations and so on. Their crime charges should be one of collective nature - that is to say they've done almost all crime, and on near-infinite accounts. There shall be no charge of interest rates on the repayment they've yet to payback to, for it's already the number - infinity.

Whether they'd be hiding in last hideouts, panicing in the deep corners of a dimly lit supermarket, or in unvisited alley, all of them shall be seeked out and be sent to the punishment table. They will have some time to hide, but with no way to refuse our arrests. With their repayment value set at infinity amount, brings us the question and shifts the focus toward the question: as to what are the best effective ways to withdraw repayment from them.  They shall be sent to the warehouses and various detention camps, then be finalized to be deported to various corresponding "amusement centres" or labor camps, where they shall enjoy fully what it is like to actually work. Their march towards their permanent concealment residents shall be known as the Great March of 21th Century, or a better name: March of Repayment.

Their physical existence will be erased, where as their extential existence will remain in the history books and in our memories (perhaps in the museums also). We will not long for their return for we would be too happy and busy celebrating and doing developments and contributions with their repayments.

Would this great movement of unpredecended global scale be remembered as something of strict political and economic nature, or full comedy theme, we await to see.

Details Below:

The affordibility of these labor camps and other places would be surely way within the pass box/category/spectrum part.  As for the profitability - it's guaranteed profitable, and with effective organization and management of these captives, the value would be very amazingly laughable number to see - out of excitement and slight trace of confidence plus a teespoon of glory.

The labor workers shall be set to factory worker standard schedule - a 35 to 40 hour work session per week that lasts 5 days. During the weekends, they must operate under the Break Session Rules or be facing punishment.  We shall play God over them, and like what any object owned by God, they must follow and work their way out according to, with, abiding to God's wishes, hopes, ways and plans - not against, nor penalizing or pressing againstward towards to.  Each large labor camps will be guarded, and have first aid, doctors and basic food or medical assistance and services on standby. The profits and perhaps the operation of these labor camps too will be split between organizations and companies, to the style of a corporation - where shares are used, companys have hierachies and set boundaries, and other systems and whatnot manners.

Labor workers will likely be engaged with straight manufacturing, agrilculture and other creational type of works - certainly they would not be providing service such as cleaning or barbershop to anyone normal - they shall be staying at these labor camps under all normal times - on occasion a set few may be released and transported to elsewhere; otherplaces.  Production of cotton, light processing works, canned salmons, machinary parts and such are some of the examples of works they will be told to do.  There can be no allowance for laziness or skip of work - all should come to meet their attendance on the day if they have no medical or special reasons to not to.  It's a reasonable 35 to 40 hour a week for 5 day per week work schedule assigned to each of them and they must abide to it.

We shall create the 2nd largest depotism infranstructures the world has ever known - only second to that of slave traders of the past centuries. In criterias such as monsterousity, scale and organization refinement we will score 1st place to none except to the biggest slave camp owners of past times, the Roothsteins Shipment Group.

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