

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Key word of the day - be careful and do it right

Tread lightly and do it at exact precise point.  Hit the bull-eye, launch the key into the lock, which is a tiny region of space judging from this distance. No more, no below, no deviated from centre point, no vary from the pinpoint goal.  It must precisely hit within the bull-eye region, which is very tiny the further away from it, or larger the object-to-be-thrown-in.

The mark has to be hit within the bull-eye spot, or the answer, the result would not be so kind to witness or see. This implies accuracy shall be at least one of the foremost asset, so to speak, and not strength or power magnitude. In other ways of expression, instead of power amount, it shall be accuracy the foremost important asset or criteria.

Doing it more or lesser would all yield a wrong answer - a non-right answer. Not an inch to the west or an inch to the east, or to the left or to the right - it has to be exactly on the mid-section and within the boundary in accordance to set tiny limit however it may be unlengthy.

Implies the following great principles/guidelines:
¤ 98.5% or more of the total region of space is no go, and the other 1.35%-ish part is the yes zone
¤ majority of random tosses would not hit the necessary, the goal, the target. The yes part is the tiny portion of whole thing comperatively
¤ multiple-try attempts likely does will not occur.  And within that, events likely will be of one single try with a lengthy time resting, so called, period inbetween the next chance/try
¤ there can be no random-ness (thus random-result-bearing (or changing) factors within the important / crucial hit one try. I should say here "no large enough' random-ness, that is
¤ in most cases, the target's location shifts after 1 single try, and re-appears at a rather very dimensionally (and dramatically) different location, which would require (also mean) re-planning and a total reconstruction from the beginning to the midpoint to the end of the scripture or plan which we had initially.  Sometimes this will be very unexpected, and may shake up the whole thing from the shocks generated from the unexpectation

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