

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Prime Minister's Diary and Thoughts

There exists great difference between two things of microscopic difference, often.  A child born out of persuation and normal path would differ much from the same seed born from misery, deseperation, surpression and similar matters such as: lack of initiative, passivitism, rushfulness, out of suffering, cheats, ingenuine mind and unwantedness.  The children born out of goals and desires, out of persuation and goals would be normal children while the other ones all would turn out to be imp-like if not straight up delinquents that get very obvious starting from the teen years especially.  Its genetic or so called environment is not much to be blamed - but the responsibility more so lays in that of the mindset of the parents at the time. If one or both parent at the time had foul intentions or played ingeuinety or any other kind of foulplay and cheat, then the child will be of astonishing difference to any children born out of romance, love, care and honest and such.  The difference is at most times visible since toddler years to an lion-preception level inspector.
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I tend to avoid it at the level of all-avoid now, for it carries foul essence, so to speak
        Many of the newsprint, books on the market, small ads delivered in the mail and so on I tend to avoid at all times - not even take a look of it (I may glimpse at it on occasion but certainly not trying to see its meaning with a deeper dive look). For very good reasons I do this, it has come to me to very clarity that it's little benefit for getting the message on it - there is little to learn from it - very little information or new knowledge. And in addition the occasional small knowledge pieces are presented and placed in such a way that would screw up the logic stacking and memory saving so to speak, thus a net loss, generates.  In further addition, the dark essence behind these craftsments (these items) drags down the small gain from occasional piece of good information and decent enough knowledge - right down into the abyss - brings result to a total net loss.  That's basically the reason I've truly began, started ignoring these printouts - the foul essence alone does enough harm.  Most of it is not crafted out of purity and devotion or any other good, actually good human virtues or values, and the creators of those items are almost always the types that carry traits such as cowardice, lack of heroism, bad thoughts and whackism. Precisely those are the reasons I also recommend others to completely bar out these invader pieces, for they carry the foul essences of the bad nature of those ones responsible for its content and comeabout, in dread quantity, it's right from the abyss, and will trump us down to the hellhold if we let it tell us things. These things are demonic, and they whisper, resonate the surrounding to ugliness and foulness. 
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Ah, such wonderful and great Hitler speech impersonation I had done, including ones that didn't exist on record; out of imagination and such and whatnot.  Too bad a photography and recording team wasn't around at the time. Well, everyone sure has already been locked to miss those, and I myself will too.
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Hitler's speech summarizes things so well. It's not just the literaral said content - the content that would show up in "transcribe". But in the conduct; in the way shown; in the essence; the style, the motions, the attitude and stance displayed that tells all the deepest of the meaning of life at once almost. The works of Hitler's speeches effectively is a replacement for thirty thousand law reports and order documents by safe estimates, and it's also in reality a powerful way to counter the foulnesses and at the sametime short-summarize all of the solutions for each case. It's like emphasizing on a set of principles, which later will be used to generate solution for each case of criminality and foulplay. All while, the speeches strengths our inner resolve, and make us more excited for life and joyous in all aspects seperated and together in vigurous synergy of various components of our body, soul and mind.

(I hope folks understand perfectly well what I meant. There sure is multiple ways of expressing the samething. And this is an instance, not the whole thing - just like an idea, each verb has multiple ways of expression or choice of words. It's been my best attempt there and I hope all got the meaning well.)
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