

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

An Observation

Yeah, I think people are getting dumber because they watch too much TV.  While the inliterates, such as owners' pet remain uninfected by those. Maybe that's the reason as to how come dogs seems nowadays brighter than the peoples in many decison making breakoffpoints.

Many entities encourage, whatever the way or method or style, the listener to pay attention to words, which are sounds made from throat vibrator, the twists of the tongue for good reasons from their standpoint. 

Unfortunate for them, there is almost nothing they could hide from me, for not only do I know what they hide and does in secretcy, I also happen to know what they do not know and the haven't realized yet region of facts. That's great news, isn't it.  Am I; aren't I like water, it's too big to go against - one should instead go along and incorporate - something any socially responsible young teen girls should take on.

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