

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Artwork of the Many Best Artists

Whether medieval times or modern days, whether on painting canvas or in digital form, or on walls or ceilings of cathedrals, artwork of the many artists seem to have these commonalities:
- quality does not surpass or reach super-refined level
- slightly in lack of deep philosophical meanings or meanings of life
- much noise can be seen with a keen expert eye on many compartments of the art
- certain parts have no particular meaning nor forms expertise synergy with the whole piece or the major regional pieces
- overall message, the whole package does not contain high precisin, directness and the following traits: purity, simplicity, delicate, exact, precise, fusion, transcended, extraterrestial, celestial, constellation and so on

Thus makes them not the particularly super beautiful, not register in the perfection category, also does not please the eyes of guardians of time, or the time watchers and whatnots.

Speaking of cathedrals, is New World Order willing to give up, put a pause to their attack on cathedrals anytime soon.  The frequency of student visits to the churches had diminished to near extinction over the decades. On one side we have imperfect art, but demonstration of the desire, valiance effort and dreamseeking, while on the other, has good precision artists with no desire for future. Surely is this current situation miraculous and whack. One in a ten million, one in a ten million

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