

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Gambling and Luck - Calculated Risks

-  50% should be sometimes the reference and the standard. A value below gets subtracted from by the number 50%, while above also gets subtracted from by same standard of reference number
-  risk calculations almost always is a final probability-preferencial decider final number value that had two multiplication components before: the payout ratio and the chance
-  calculated risk helps decision making by much. Everyone should calm down and use calculation means instead of emotion, rage, trying to hormone the way out. Another saying of this goes commonly heard, especially in navy submarine doctrines and instructions, which is stay rational
-  evaluate each segment: dangerousness of 0 to 10 percent, then the each next-in-place segments. The red zone segments should be adjusted to other place, the standard pulley, so to speak, that is, so that they do not appear much.  This is dependent on the desire of the thinker/examiner
-  random is always random within random - everloopily random, however, after gathered data, one can predict the outcome, almost dominating it at times if hitting the right spot with right magnitude after spot or suspision of a bias detected. One can predict outcome of a random pattern as long as one has the methodology and enough evidencial data.  This is how a master can take control over randomizations
-  one can predict random's next move through that manner, by checking its behaved bias (does not work all the time, and may not have a bias sometimes (not visibly enough), and should be given treatment via calculated risk method, sort've). 
-  gamble to the exact number, never push toward making too much red segment zones from thr increase folded risk amount

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