

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Some Words Here

My feeling about this protverb below were: yeah, indeed, that's true:

This proverb drawn from a dialogue scene would be beneficial to others, I believe:  "Yeh man,  think twice before conclusion, it's not the 13th century anymore"

Consider that:
Who is the actually smart, the one that boasted is the legit and smart one or the other that didn't win the boast-lie argument (heated debate)?  #worthConsidering   
Nature truly is twisted meadows and echo isles in many places.  The helix twist of fate loops itself in many infinite ways - within it, there is smaller instances of samething happening, and at sametime it's within a bigger twist of fate.  Like water waves, the up and down cycles have smaller similar versions of up and down happening at smaller realms. Fractal shapes resemble highly similar, after all it runs on the same underlining principles as that of everything in the universe.  All is one, and one is each.  Differences occur from subjectism, which itself is nothing but an illusion - an unawakened dream - and no fundamentally different from it.  Though with that high level philosophy understood, the law of nature still applies.  Stemming from the most fundamental - gravity, other laws of nature comes about - and like the original alpha, there is also no escape but full obedience - one may "exit" the law only if it knows how to master to work with it - never against.
Whom earlier might've been regarded as the weaker or lesser since demonstrated losses in a boast-lie heated debate, which the other regarded as strong utilized ruthlessness and disrespect to logic to put up the scenery act as if it had won it fair and square and that it was legitimate-worthy argument throughout and overall.  The "victim" would later reveal the true happening of that event in most cases, however it may be too late of a time that the others had already strayed too far down the road stirred by that faulty event - even if it was by mistake, but time has piled up the land, and history has sealed, locked and saved those old stories - whoever was the truly actual right or righteous would not be justified or cared for for it was too long ago: either had been forgotten or has become totally irrelevent to the true happening of today.
This brings us to the slogan that "life is pure savageness" and nothing more, there can be no non-savageness. Any of such promise must be either mistake (from whichever cause or by whatever reason) or a different form of savageness.  Hadn't the humans automatically disregard the lizards as no-brain or lesser out of sheer ignorance, and this was all done and to this day still not reconized at nearly decent level as something worthy of review or rechecking. Who is actually the morally right, or is moral even exist, brings us these additional questions, the thought there.
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We've regarded ourselves as upper class when in reality we are the utter savages, the most savage that don't see selves correctly at nearly at all.  One cannot check whether one is savage or not by sheer 1 sentence brushing or review - for the savage so into their savageness behaves and thinks exactly like a saint who is all mighty-ly righteous and works on perfect reason assigned by the heavens.

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Meanwhile we've got the zergery masses never decreasing in momentum or volumn.  The whole place has surpassed imagination of the worst possibility even. The infestation masses [has] already ate-up (occupied) majority of the places - and the wholely situation around here can be said none other than: it has become pro-zombie, entirely pro-zerg-masses now.

Anytime a zerg mass of such scale reach such high economic and political presence relative to who they are indicates the lack of presence of true law and therefore alpha male and other associated neighbor elements in actuality.  Like a simple direct-linked cause and effect, the door unable to open likely means the person attempting to enter does not have the key in actuality. Or like the scenario, a car driving in sine path all of a sudden indicates an error with the car itself. Or like the scenario where Timmy hides his report cards from his parents, it means highly likely the scores aren't very satisfactory.

I shall speak out a few principles about this topic about the Zergs by highlighting these key elements, important sayings and valuable principles:

  • nature has always been and will remain will be the clash of forces, the battle of good and evil - and precisely never clash of individuals - members of the sameteam fighting each other is doings of the Sauron
  • no matter how smart any shephard is, unless they have the tiger set of abilities, they will never be able to handle the real tough situation, which includes the toughness of sheer rough reality
  • the requirement to solve any major invasion or big crisis is not the ability to solve crisis, but the ability to accept and visit the truth.  Exactly like the movie line "thou cannotst handlest the truthst!"
  • life is a giant drama, and we are the characters - we follow the scripts. Acts of being aware of inside this script is also a part of the script - there is no escape, we must act and follow - it's been set out, and we are very controlled by gravity - forced to act out according to its pushes
  • the zerg forces has already occupied majority of: academia, college-welfare positions, university degree-welfare positions, customer base of major manufacturers, high tech goods companies, and makers of designer clothing and plus much more, in this hyper-dysfunctional country. Like a plastic surgery gone wrong half-mechanized cyborg, it's (this country) gonna do some weird act before its final demise. Those that do not think this is happening and/or doesn't react in sheer devotional agreement probably is a Zerg conspiracist member
  • my personal desire is to crush and eliminate the Zergs from every single district, urban places, subway stations, any hideouts, all condos and apartments and whatnot.  They will have the time to hide and burrow, but not the ability to defend their zergery swarmling spew causes. It's my foremost of-utter-great-importance mission and duty to protect order, secure justice, and guard the interests of my people.

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