

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year, warmest wishes:

• may all get cancer and slowly whither to shortness of breath laying down in hospital bed
• may Iran, one of the few remaining nation of freedom and human independence be destroyed in 15 days
• may Obama be more of a dorky old butt puppet
• may the roads be unsafe, and airways even more risky
• may all be laid off and lose their income all while the savings diminish to near nothing from inflation
• may everyone slip on ice this winter season and fall to severe damage
• may car accidents happen and drunken truck drivers run over thou

• let the stock market crash and millions lose their retirement savings. Let's hope their pension get cut in half too
• may the fake intellectuals take up more science research positions, and may the all kinds of pyramids  be more up-sidedown
• let us hope in unison that childrens and young teens pay more attention to drugged up music videos and poison commercials

• allas, lest we forget each other, the sense of community, family values and traditions
• may we sink in student loans and hide from schoolmates our present situation of gotten evicted from apartment rentals
• may more swarmling shader uncaught criminals take up prominent government positions. Let us hope they increase their bloody effort in purposely neglecting help despite knowing others' bad luck situations
• may you all become unable to afford surgery or by the least be bankrupt afterwards, so that the family members hold grudge against you, which eventually leading to break off of relations permanently
• may you be falsely accused, accidentally hit, be in bad places at the worst time, may you all suffer the worst fate possible, ones worse than the depiction of horror movies, more, in this new year

• last but not the least, may your newborns be defectionary, may your kids contract eukemia, and ur pets go missing! I hope eveyone's lovely child turns into homosexual faminist gay Iraq war supporters!

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