

Thursday, 2 January 2014

What I do?

By now, someone out there probably has asked this question directed at the founder and main contributor of this blog: "what do I do?"

Q: What do you do? What is your purpose? What are the reasons behind your writings or bloc, my majesty?
A: Ask urself what does a dragon do. A dragon does not speak, talk or do.  Exactly like a dragon, I watch, and leave commentaries or thoughts if deemed to be necessary. There is no action or verb from me, I simple watch and do undo, does the unseen and nondo from ondo to onto no-do, in this way, I do. 

Am I from a higher plane of reality, so to speak? I think so, personally. Though genetic seems to be a good and well sounding structural explaination of organisms, it answers far less mysteries and phenomenom than the wisdom understandings of the spirit. Things are distantly and dispersedly connected via genes, but are decided and bound by the spirit. How can I be wrong and the mortals' thought about the microscopic world of organic material and cellular realm be more or equally correct. No mortal can be our challenger or competitor in this category even by all standards and measures.

A person's gene will mutate rapidly if the perspective, aspect and outlook in life shifts dramatically. Isn't it not true the birds born near city settlements differ much than birds whose parents never seen cities by remarkable noticable difference. Any organism is made up of specialized divisioned parts held together via nerve cords and physical glues, so to speak. The reason heart continue to beat has nothing to do with constant order or telling from the brain, for it is an automated part - almost a seperate organism by itself, just that contributes and works on subdivary of the overall purpose. The meaning (and therefore its true definition) of an organism is like a healthy nation - made up of many independent functional groups, which contributes to the same cause. This implies individual compartments exist and they have the ability to operate entirely on its own to however good performance success level, but presently is under the "command" of the central agency - and that, is precisely the actual part of conciousness and also should be the regard definition as life - other compartments are more so its items, assets, land ownership and whatnot. The spirit acts as the central agency, beeping orders out, giving commands to the subsidiaries it managed to take hold of (own). It also takes the responsibility of carrying on the momentum. Once the spirit loses all momentum, the person whithers to bacteria food at usual, and crumble into a zombie biomass at best. Cancer and varius mishap type of symptoms should be regarded as to-do-with whithering and disunity of the centralized agency within oneself - not much (mainly) to do with genetic or poor body health. The soul is the actual whole of living organism themselves, where as the flesh and bone is its valuable asset (inheritence) (thus r more so one's items than a part of oneself).    #philosopher #philosophy  #wisdom

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