

Friday, 3 January 2014

The Typical Incompetent Geek

The adjective in the title incompetent is necessary to add, so as to prevent misunderstanding, since afterall, the term had been abused to total mishape and in misuages, which happen for bad evil intentions by some, indeed.

While the turd leeches, the society-harmers (which we barely touched in the above paragraph) attempt to evade while increase safety and close proximity to the resource nodes they heavily seek after, through hiding amongst us or blending in, the geek of today carries these following traits worthy of listing here about:
• cares, puts little attention and focus on the format as much as their focus paid to style and way of motion of their physical nature
• maximum has style at 5-hour long practiced but displayed as instant unprepared talk upon choosing movements of the lips and similar yabba mouth talks activities
• naive amateur total level at formality and dress codes, and formal places
• as good at art as theirselves are at music and dancing - William Hun level (hey, at least William loves doing it, give out attempts. This makes Will greatly better than the typical geek of today)
• actually in reality little and near disasterous intelligent level, far below than what they evily claim nor the public presumption-preception about them. Creativity and street smart are the major components of smartness, never is true that it's willingness to memorize irrelevence anti-life elements or contents. Actually takes a moron and with slight fool to want to participate in those "tests".  Indeed, how true~
• cares not for their mating gender, and hence, cares not for family, and thus cares not much for society. Anytime it mentions care, it would be a shameless lie for the sake of staying in ring of benefit boostings under the camouflage of for the sake of caring society - typical use of foultongue

As surely, worthy of mention here: the typical geek of today isn't all that evil nor the only evil. There exists far worse entities around here, highlighting and denouncing them is no way the intent of this writing. The purpose is mainly to inquire and contribute to analysis and researches.

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A geek will write with much focus on the "writing part", missing the attention and knowing-existence of format. A proper format replaces 4 to 5 or 5 to 6 sentences at times. Just like the way they dress - cares overly on the misconception meaning and definition of what is functionality, and had all forgotten about the style or format.  For example, the line "I care about this letter allot, I care for it so very much" and sentences or clauses like such can be replaced with a signature  line added at the bottom of the paper of right-side alignment.  This is also not to say that all articles or writings done with overwordlyness like this one is by a geek, it may be intended by ones well aware of this property, likely, yeah, for not-so-good purposes and by mysterious figures, shadow groups so to speak.

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